Senior spotlight: Joseph Reid Class of 2023

Today’s senior spotlight is on Joseph Reid

Enjoy his answers to the senior questionnaire and a peak at his final gallery. Oh yeah and that love of his life he talks about, she’s in the shots too and I just LOVE how their photos came out.


Age: 18

School: Spring Mills High School

Nickname(s)? Joe

Let’s talk about your faves

Color: Red

Tv show: The Flash

Book: Hatchet

Subject in school: History

Teacher: Mr.Combs

Past time: Playing soccer

Hobbies/extracurriculars: Gaming

Top 2 memories of high school: The last 3 seconds of the game I scored a tie breaking header. I met the Love of my life jr. year.

Clothing item: hoodie

About the future…

You’re done with high school, what is your next move? Get a job and find a trade school

What do you hope to be doing in the next 5 years and where? Hopefully have a nice paying job and married to the love of my life

What’s the number one world issue you would solve if you could? Lack of faith 

Can you cook? Not really no

What is your dream career (even if it’s just a dream) ?

Professionally playing soccer

Just for funsies… 

Joseph - THE MOVIE: what celebrity should play you? Ryan Reynolds

And on that note, if someone wrote a novel about your life what should it be called? Born in the wrong time

What song will you never forget the lyrics to? Big green tractor

Pretend money ain’t no thang- where are you gonna go on vacation right now? Alaska to see Mount Denali 

You can only eat one thing for the rest of your life. What’s it gonna be? Salmon

Any obscure talents? I can juggle

Show us a picture of you from freshman year- see Joe’s picture at the bottom of his session pics :)


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