Senior spotlight: Olivia Emerling Class of 2024

Girl in orange dress blonde hair smiling at the camera downtown wayensboro

I loved Liv’s session so much we shot until the light was gone. We had such a great time that I knew I needed to work with her again and she was perfect for the Halloween images I was longing to create (check out those images at the link below her senior images). Her interview answers were fun and a little surprising. Read on and enjoy!

Name: Olivia Emerling

Age: 18

School: Williamsport High School

Nick names: Liv, Livy

Alright Liv, let’s talk about your faves

Color: Yellow!

Tv show: Dawson's Creek Not to totally age myself, but I just rewatched/finally finished the whole show since it ended in 2003 😬

Book: Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover

Subject in school: English, Environmental Science

Teacher: Mr. Baun!

Pastime: Last-minute adventures with the girls

Hobbies/extracurriculars: Tennis! Hiking!

Top three memories of high school: My first high school party, being apart of the homecoming court my sophomore year, and meeting a lot of new girlfriends. 

Clothing item: My oversized royal blue hoodie!

Lunch spot : Panera Bread always

About the future…

You’re done with high school, what is your next move? Work, apply to colleges.

What do you hope to be doing in the next 5 years and where? Hopefully, move to Australia and spend time connecting with the world around me. 

What’s the number one world issue you would solve if you could? Inflation

What is your dream career (even if it’s just a dream) ? Detective- I could totally see you doing this!

Just for funsies… 

Olivia - The Movie: what celebrity should play you? Madelyn Cline- I had to look her up but she could totally play you.

And on that note, if someone wrote a novel about your life what should it be called? Living Indecisively - Girl, you and me both! 😂

What song will you never forget the lyrics to? Heavy - The Backseat Lovers - I love that song!

Since you mentioned that song, is it your favorite? Yes!

Pretend money ain’t no thang- where are you gonna go on vacation right now? Greece - Me too! It’s been my number one for a long time now!

 You can only eat one thing for the rest of your life. What’s it gonna be? Acai bowls

If your pet could talk, what do you think they might say about you? My cat magic would probably tell me I give him too many hugs 

What is your proudest (maybe not biggest) accomplishment so far: Mastering how to blow-out my hair LOL - That is seriously a BIG accomplishment and a super useful one!

Any obscure talents? I love to create and build things! Fun fact: about over half of the furniture and decor in my room is built and made by myself! That is awesome! Can I hire you to make nightstands?

What’s a skill you don’t have but want to learn? Learn to play the guitar!

Don’t miss the picture of Liv from her freshman at the bottom of the session!

See the hauntingly beautiful Halloween shoot with Liv here


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